Monday, 24 March 2014

Villers bocage

Two Friends of mine, have embarked on a quest to write the perfect WWII vehicle heavy rule set. Being no strangers to writing rules, the task ahead of them is monumental. 
In conjunctions with the thoughruly nice chaps at they have decided to use the rules for a massive Villers Bocage display game, at non only than the biggest Wargames show in the Uk, Salute 2014. 

Along with help from myself and many others the guys have put together over 100 of beautiful buildings, to re-create the days, Micheal Vitmans names was on every 'Tommies' lips. 
 A monumental task, that has really taken shape over the last few weeks. 

And on Saturday, we got the chance to give it a dress rehearsal, it also have the 4ground guys a chance to pop over the bridge, and get an eye on it. 

The Board and the game will be on display at Salute 2014

The Smoldering Wrecks of British vehicles. 

British Infantry attempted an Assault on a Germans Heavy tank, through the hotel window. 

And the lovely chaps from 4ground surveying their own products being out to good use. 

Ok neck beards I know your thinking, there were no Panthers at Villers Bocage,
This was just a test game. The right formations and almost the right number of tanks will be present on the day at Salute. The beautiful Dai Waffenkammer tanks curtsy of

**edit after Salute**
So Salute has been and gone, and all in all it was a great escape for the game, and the gents from 4ground. Loads of interest and loads of very kind comments. 

*sneek peek* 
Bottom right, is a farm house building. This one is a prototype, but they will hopfuly, be putting it into production later this year.

Thanks for reading,


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